You must understand, young Hobbit, it takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish. And we never say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say.
~Treebeard (Ent in Middle Earth)
Here is a small collection of trees (tree portraits ?) from some of my travels. I think every tree has a story, and because most of them stay around for a while, they have a long time to tell it.
Located at around the base of Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park, this reminded me of Bilbo’s 111th birthday party tree.
Part of the Japanese section at Gibbs Gardens. For some reason I had Cult of Personality by Living Colour in my head here.

Another sapling from Gibbs Gardens that is a play on Game Of Thrones…although I have yet to see an episode !

Last one in the collection from Gibbs. Funny thing is I didn’t even see the penny wishing well until after I took the photo. A happy accident.

Overlooking the Chattahoochee river at the Chattahoochee Nature Center. Taken during January and processed to bring out the interaction between the leafless tree and clouds in the distance for a bit of atmospheric wizardry.
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