Interesting old world architecture with mill work that appears to be looking at you.
They don’t make doors like this anymore. Back in 2015 at the Eastern State Penitentiary on a photo walk with friends; it was here that I learned to keep my camera mounted on the tripod and about light metering. Before this photo walk I had a tendency to remove my camera from the tripod after taking a photo and then remount for the next photo; very time consuming ! With light metering, I learned, at least with my Sony A5000 in multi-metering mode, to zero it out before taking a 3 exposure HDR bracket of shots at (-2,0,+2). Very important lesson ! The A5000 with kit lens was my first “grown up” camera purchase that I had with me for this photo walk.
So there are iconic scenes to take photos of in this museum, however I don’t think this door is one of them. However lurking in my Lightroom library, I saw it staring back at me with the rounded mill work detail in the top of the door.

Looking for a gallery of this museum that will take your breath away ? ! Check out my friend AD Wheeler’s vision of Eastern State Penitentiary here.
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