Image of the day Fade to night Integrating the vision of another artist into my own canvas. This was photographed in the middle of the afternoon hard light and made to look like a fade to night special effect. Like this:Like Loading... Jamie Peters76 views
Image of the day Glitch in the Mirror World “Eventually, everything will have a digital twin. This is happening faster than you may think.” -Kevin Kelly Like this:Like Loading... Jamie Peters76 views
Image of the day The Pink Panther was here That crazy cat from the 1970s comic. Like this:Like Loading... Jamie Peters42 views
Image of the dayTravel Hold The Line The Pennsylvania monument at Gettysburg during sunset. Like this:Like Loading... Jamie Peters30 views
Image of the day Don’t Panic The best advice I think was given by Douglas Adams: “Don’t Panic.” -Arthur C. Clarke Like this:Like Loading... Jamie Peters104 views
Image of the day What’s the frequency, Kenneth A photo that makes you recall memories of a song and a band, R.E.M. Like this:Like Loading... Jamie Peters47 views
Image of the day Infinity An abstract based on the Atlanta SkyView Ferris wheel Like this:Like Loading... Jamie Peters71 views
Image of the day Happy New Year 2119 “Marty: Hey, Doc, you better back up, we don’t have enough road to get up to 88. Doc Brown: Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need… roads.” ~Back To The Future Like this:Like Loading... Jamie Peters120 views
Image of the dayTravel Hyperloop Destination: Shark Fin Cove “Constantly seek criticism. A well thought out critique of whatever you’re doing is as valuable as gold.” ― Elon Musk Like this:Like Loading... Jamie Peters88 views