The variety of tones you can make with an electric guitar is limited only by your imagination. Although an effects and amp modelling pedal can help take it to the next level ! One of my favorite effects is overdrive.
I have been experimenting with Adobe Capture on iOS lately, since seeing a live demo of it over at The Creatours on Patreon by my friend Andy. It allows you to create custom patterns from a photo you have already taken, or you can even use the camera in app to see live results of what the pattern from the photo will look like. It is so cool ! Even better is if you have an Adobe CC subscription, you can view the saved patterns from your mobile, right in Photoshop and add them as layers.
For this series of three images I used a photo already in my camera roll as the background, for a circuit board, futuristic, yet abstract look. Here is the original image used for the background, before using Adobe Capture to create the pattern.
From there I added a photo from my Line 6 POD 2 guitar effects pedal. I masked out about everything except the knobs and some of the text. Going for the Fallout, post modern, industrial look.

From there I used the liquefy tool in Photoshop to get a dispersion effect on the right. This was to give the look of some serious overdrive, with the electronics being driven to the point of getting hot and smoking.

It was at this point I finally figured out that I could use the in app camera to see “live” what the pattern would look like ! So I went over to my Dean 88 guitar and created the “Mod chip” that you see below, in two different variations. This gave the story that “next level” I was looking for.

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